Commonly called,
Translated into English by PHILEMON HOLLAND
Doctor in Physic.
The Contents
The Dedicatory Letter | P. i (unnumbered) |
The Preface to the Reader | PP. ii-vii (unnumbered) |
Errata | P. viii (unnumbered) |
Plinies Epistle to T. Vespasian | PP. ix-xvi (unnumbered) |
Book I (Pliny's table of contents) | PP. 1- (unnumbered) |
Book II (The earth in general: weather, astronomy, the size of the earth and its nature.) | PP. 1-49 |
Book III (Geography: Europe.) | PP. 50-71 |
Book IV (Geography: Greece, and the Lies of the Greeks.) | PP. 72-89 |
Book V (Geography: Africa and Magna Graecia.) | PP. 90-114 |
Book VI (Geography: Asia. Wondrous shapes of men. Divisions of the Earth.) | PP. 114-151 |
Book VII (The nature of man: length of life, time of gestation, biggest, smallest, life and death, inventions, and many and sundry stories.) | PP. 152-191 |
Book VIII (Terrestrial beasts other than man: elephants, bears, tigers, lions, snails, mice, rats, dormice, along with the more fabulous basilisks and so on.) | PP. 192-234 |
Book IX (Fishes and aquatic animals and their productions: mice of the Nile, pearls, purple, land-fish, lobsters, octopodes, squids, pike, oysters, and shrimp. And so on.) | PP. 234-270 |
Book X (Birds, with digressions on fertility, modes of reproduction, the enmities and friendships of animals one for the other, whether animals sleep and dream, and animal senses. And a few tirades on luxurious diet.) | PP. 270-309 |
Book XI (Insects, supposedly, although they occupy less than half of a very long book; the remainder is parts of animals (necks and gizzards and arms, that is), more asides on diet, and stories about the names of Romans.) | PP. 310-356 |
Book XII (Foreign plants, especially spices.) | PP. 356-379 |
Book XIII (More foreign plants: trees, papyrus and other aquatic plants. Another tirade on luxury, masquerading as a description of fancy tables.) | PP. 380-402 |
Book XIV (Plants of Italy: The vine.) | PP. 403-428 |
Book XV (Fruit-bearing Trees: Olives, apples, pears, nuts and so on.) | PP. 428-454 |
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