From The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor, Chap. XXII, translated by Arthur Golding, Gent. (1587):
Ister riseth in the hylles of Germanie, and issueth out of a Mountaine that lieth over against Turgew, a part of the ancient Gall. It receiveth into it threescore Ryvers, almoste all able to beare Shippes, and it falleth into Ponteus with seaven mouthes, wherof the first is called Peuce, the second Narcustoma, the thirde Calostoma, and the fourth Pseudostoma: for Boreostoma the fift, and Stenostoma the sixt, are slower then the rest: and as for the seaventh, it is so dull and like unto a Poole, that it hath not anie likelihoode of a streame. The firste foure are so great, that by the space of forty miles together they are not intermedled with the Saltwater, but keepe theyr sweete taste with uninterrupted savoure.
Through all Pontus there is great store of Bevers, which they call by the names of Fiber & Castor. Thys Beaste is like an Otter, and is a very sore byter, insomuch that if he fasten upon a man, hee will not let goe his holde untill he feele the bones crash betweene hys teeth.
His stones are greatly coveted for the medicinablenesse of them, and therefore when he findeth hymselfe put to the pinch, he byteth of his owne cods, and eateth them up, to the intent men should have no good of them when he is taken.
Pontus yeeldeth also precious stones of sundrye sortes, which of the Countrey wee call Pontiks: for some have starres of the colour of Golde, and some of the colour of bloode in them, and they are counted among the sacred: for they are gathered rather for a showe, then for anie use that they serve to. they are not besprent in droppes, but are interlymed with long strokes of sundry colours.
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